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Enjoy Travelling In Calais

2 Enjoy Travelling In Calais

Picking your Goods in our stores in Calais

15% Vat Back !!!

3 15% Vat Back !!!

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Louis-Benjamin Dagueneau took over from his father Didier Dagueneau

It goes without saying that Sauvignon is the specialty of Domaine Didier Dagueneau as much Blanc Fumé de Pouilly, Pur Sang, Buisson Renard, Silex, Monts Damnés are all achievements that have Sauvignon in common but which so faithfully express their specific terroir. .

All Louis Benjamin Dagueneau wines are voluminous, deep, refined and marked by their terroir. Charlotte Dagueneau is responsible for the marketing of these wonderful bottles.

The Dagueneau family also produces wonderful Jurançons, the Jardins de Babylone.